Strenghtening Youth Participation by Reducing Inequalities

JUUN is a project of the Austrian National Youth Council in cooperation with the Office of the African Union Youth Envoy. The project is funded by the Austrian Development Agency.

The project focuses on the Agenda 2030, especially SDG 10 – Reduced Inequalities, and SDG 17 – Partnerships for the goals, in their relevance and importance for young people.

· What role does youth play in overcoming global inequalities?
· Which inequalities especially concern young people in their daily lives?
· What do young people want from political decision-makers in these contexts?

The project deals with these and other questions and enables a dialogue on an equal footing among and between young people from different countries of the African Union and from Austria and between young people and politics.

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  • Raising awareness and increasing knowledge among young people
  • Make young people and their concerns visible
  • Dialogue at exe level & Youth participation
  • Raise awareness among decision makers
  • Attention to the project topics
  • Capacity Building


June 2023

July 2023

June-November 2023

June – November 2023

November 2023

November 2023

November 2023 – September 2024

February 2024

November 2023 – November 2024

Youth Reference Committee

The youth reference committee comprises 40 members under the age of 35 from different African Union Countries (25 members) and the European Union/ mainly Austria (15 members).

All members of the youth reference committee have been chosen either by the office of the African Union Yout Envoy or the Austrian National Youth Council and it’s national partner organisations for the project JUUN.

Members of the Youth Reference Committee are members of youth organisations, youth representatives and/or youth advocates, actively engaged in creating a better world with and for young people, and with expertise in different areas relevant to young people.

Useful literature

Sustainable Developement Goal 10

SDG 10: reduced inequalities

Sustainable Developement Goal 17

SDG 17: partnerships for the goals

African Union Youth Charter

African Union Youth Charter

Agenda 2063

Agenda 2063 – The Africa we want

Youth SDG Partnerships

Youth SDG Partnerships

EU Youth Action Plan

Youth Action Plan in the European Union external action for 2022-2027

Social Media

Let’s make #JUUN visible!

To download all JUUN logos and icons click here!

Make sure to use the hashtag #JUUN whenever you are sharing about the project online.

Other hashtags you might want to use:

This project is funded by the Austrian Development Agency.